FaceFront Cosmetics Returns...


New member
Hey girls, First I want to start by saying, I work for the company that owns FaceFront Cosmetics ... but I don't work with it in any way beyond the fact that our company acquired the brand in December 2010...

I just want to know ,as I sell the brand on my boutique, what are your thoughts about the brand? Have you tried it before? Experiences... products that you love the most?

Thanks :)

I know this is an old post but wanted to answer anyways. To be honest, I hate everything about FaceFront. Their products are dodgy, quality-wise. Nothing I've ever ordered from them is consistent. I've been disappointed with everything I have with a FaceFront label on it. And they've ripped me off before, to the tune if almost $100. As far as I'm concerned, they're garbage. Will never order anything from them again. I actually ordered some of their stuff from Gloss Vine as well. It was discounted & I thought I'd see if anything they sell is any good. It's not. All of their stuff - lips, eyes, cheeks, whatever - is all junk. Total rubbish.