Fake MAC Fragrance?? Help please ;)


Well-known member
Yes its authentic. But would you really want to buy a 5 year old fragrance?? Because thats what you would be doing - Creations in that edition was released in 2003 and perfumes really dont keep well. Save your $ and buy a fresh bottle!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by panda0410
Yes its authentic. But would you really want to buy a 5 year old fragrance?? Because thats what you would be doing - Creations in that edition was released in 2003 and perfumes really dont keep well. Save your $ and buy a fresh bottle!

yeah i realized that after i posted the thread LOL i can't afford it now anyways, i'm moving today and its gonna cost me an arm and a leg thanks to the tenants in my new place refusing to move out............AGH!