fav nail shape

What's ur fav nail shape for acrylics? and what lasts the longest for u? I like square and diamond. I seriously miss my acrylics. lol


Well-known member
I don't have acrylics atm but I like square/oval (squoval) when my nails are fairly short and oval/almond when they are long.


Active member
I don't wear acrylics often at all (have not liked the way my natural nails looked afterwards so I've decided to abstain further), but I think almond is the prettiest shape, then square/squoval. I do love looking at acrylic nails, though, so if you get yours done again then please share!


Active member
I don't wear them too often due to working at a computer all day. I do like the oval and almond shape and keep them somewhat short though.