Feel Like I'm gonna Be sick


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My friend found a feather in her McChicken Sandwich


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
I knew there was a reason I don't eat swine...Thanks for keeping that in check for me !!! Everytime I need to not eat ...I'm coming to this thread..I may loose weight just reading it

ughhhh tell me about it. i can't look at pork or ham without wanting to vomit.


Well-known member
Yikes.. That's happened to me a few times. -puke-

Originally Posted by SolarWhite
Last night I made pork chops. (I really fail because I've been trying for the last few months to give up meat)... and me and my husband picked like 10 pig hairs out of them. They were *not* human hairs. They were thick and white short hairs.

I threw up.

*Edit* Forgot to say, I totally feel for you.

Oh my god O.O!!!! That's even worse than human hair.


Well-known member
Oh god that's horrible >.<

That story about maggots in the ice machine reminded me... when I was a teenager my mom worked at a mexican fast food place at the local mall. And she told me she'd been talking to the ladies over at A&W and they told her they'd found a dead rat IN the milkshake machine.

I haven't been able to stomach milkshakes from A&W since *shudder*


Well-known member
Once DH and I were out at our (used to be) fave Thai place. I took a bite of my chicken satay and didn't notice any strange taste (probably because it was drenched in peanut sauce). Then I took another. As I was chewing that second bite, I looked down to see that the center of the chicken was totally raw. I spit it out all over my plate.

I ran to the bathroom and actually washed my mouth out with the liquid soap.

They offered to give us our meal free. Fuck that. I'm out the door. Keep the chow. No thanks.