Fiesty, Fierce Purples: My First MAC Makeover :D


Well-known member
thank you dearies!

yup, i bought outspoken. it has an awesome glittery strip in the center that I adore! I also bought the ccb.

Mac MaMa

Originally Posted by TISH1127
You look gorgeous...Now I'm trying to figure out the lip color because I want it!!

Lipstick looks like Up the Amp to me!


Well-known member
That looks fantastic! I love the lip color, if you happen to think of what it might be, please post it! I just got a new haircut, and I've decided that I'm gonna start rocking a signature lip. I've played with eyes for years and now I wanna try something different and that lip just might do it!

You've got such gorgeous features, if you walked into my store and said I could do whatever I wanted to your face, I would NOT let you leave! lol


Well-known member
Omg I didn't see this until now. This is so gorgeous!! And Jesus is my FAVORITE MA ever!!!!!

He does such amazing work :3 next time you see him tell him Chad says hi! XD


Well-known member
How did I miss this?? Sweet heaven, this is fabulous.

And could you be more beautiful? Um, no, I don't think so.

Gorgeous makeup on a gorgeous gal.


Well-known member
Aww, thank you everyone.
<3 <3

GET THE CCB! It's magnificent! It's versatile.
I don't need a bf, I'll just starting dating Crushed Bougainvillea CCB.

And Chad, I'll be sure to tell Jesus you said hi. He's awesome.