Finish My Story..........


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Then I realized that I had confused the two and was eating cupcakes frosted in glitter glue. I felt sick. I started to throw up, but then....


Well-known member
that funny feeling I used to get when I climbed the ropes in gym class. Wait a second! What in the world is in my pants? Is that a....


Well-known member
bird............a plane???? no! its SUPER CRABS TO SAVE THE DAY.... only to find out it wasnt super crabs but superman hiding in my pants....and this is what he said...


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An underpaid beurocrat. So we went up high in the sky where we saw Paul McCartney in red speedos.....


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Decided to try to give myself full body wax... but when i went to jump in come to find out the tub of wax was hard so i bounced back..I Kinda felt like Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall. Humpty Dumpty had a ...


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went off the Never Never Land to see PeterPan, but to their dismay Peter Pan did not want to come out and play be he had a bad case of Salmonella posioning. So we lwft to get see JIF. And JIF wanted too...


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when we got to the MAC store they were launching Barbie loves MAC. There were looney women everywhere with craaaazed looks in their eyes. I got so scared, I ran. Ran like the wind. Until.......


Well-known member
jumped this lady azz. because she was reaching for the L/G at the same time i did. By then the MA's were looking at us like we were crazy...


Well-known member was my Blackberry ringing. To my surprise, Dick Chaney was on the line. He called to ask if I could pick him up a Barbie, as he was a huge collector. I said sure and hung up. did he know I was here?
Is that what they use our satelites for? Oh well, next thing I new someone walked up and gave me a black steel box. I opened it to find....