First time *blushes*


Active member
Lol sorta embarrassed but here it goes...
I have NEVER had sex before and the only thing I'm worried about when I do is that it will hurt xD

It's silly i know but I'm a bit of a chicken when it comes to pain...almost like going to the doctor for an injection, even if it doesn't hurt I still get nervous >.<

I was wondering how your first time was, painful or not?
How did it feel? How long did the pain last?

I'm scared


Well-known member

Before I actually had *sex*, the guy would like, put his hoohoo inside me (lol im trying not to be crude) He would put it in, but we wouldnt have actual, like penetration, sex. He would just put it in and I guess he was trying to get me used to the feeling. (I bled one of those times)

But the day that we actually had sex, omggggggg it was AWESOME lol. It didnt really hurt, it was kinda was just great.

If you're nervous, it will hurt more. Try your best to relax, and enjoy it. because it will hurt waaaaay less if you're ready for it, you know? I think seriously, the only reason it may hurt is if you are super nervous, or if the guy is huge and doesnt take his time with you LOL. So make sure you dont have sex with an asshole, because thats never fun

Good luck
And remember to relax and just enjoy it. And use protection of course. And make sure ur ready to have sex.


Well-known member
relaxing is really important. you tend to get "tighter" when you're nervous. I would say include a lot of foreplay... fingering... really getting in the mood and it'll be a lot easier. I had no pain for my first time.


Well-known member
its all about relaxing and make sure to take your time for foreplay etc. so you can relax
i was bleeding a little but it didnt hurt
its normal being a little nervous so dont worry if the guy is nice and he likes you he will take his time ...dont rush it if youre not ready to have sex though


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC

Before I actually had *sex*, the guy would like, put his hoohoo inside me (lol im trying not to be crude) He would put it in, but we wouldnt have actual, like penetration, sex. He would just put it in and I guess he was trying to get me used to the feeling. (I bled one of those times)

lol wut?

"Putting it in" is penetration, doesn't matter how far in it goes, especially if you had some blood, that was probably the hymen breaking....?

Anyway the 1st time didn't really hurt very much, it was just kind of uncomfortable and over in like 2 minutes (lol). It got better later on though...

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Mine hurt, and I bled a lot. I hate scaring you, but that's honestly what happened. I lived to tell about it, though
To be fair, we didn't have any foreplay and he was very big.

The second time, I was fine.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
lol wut?

"Putting it in" is penetration, doesn't matter how far in it goes, especially if you had some blood, that was probably the hymen breaking....?

i think she meant he put it in but didnt move in and out loool


Well-known member
It did hurt and I did bleed but I don't think we had enough foreplay. I was also not feeling well in the first place so I was probably not relaxed enough. I didn't bleen alot, but it did get better.Just like the other ladies have said, relaxation is very important and no matter what any guy says.... FOREPLAY is a must for most women so don't let a guy cheat you out of it!!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
lol wut?

"Putting it in" is penetration, doesn't matter how far in it goes, especially if you had some blood, that was probably the hymen breaking....?

Anyway the 1st time didn't really hurt very much, it was just kind of uncomfortable and over in like 2 minutes (lol). It got better later on though...

I know that the first time he put it in, I wasnt a virgin and I know it was penetration....and the bleeding was my hymen breaking. LoL I meant he didnt move in and out. He put it in and we laid there for awhile LOL like 10 minutes? and then we stopped.

Originally Posted by aimee
i think she meant he put it in but didnt move in and out loool

LoL exactly


Well-known member
My first time was uncomfortable, I wouldn't say it hurt, but it was a stretch to get it in there if you know what I mean.

You need to be really relaxed.
If you're comfortable with what you're doing and it's what you want, it will be totally fine

and lots of foreplay!!! helps a ton.


Well-known member
ITA with making sure you are comfortable, lots of foreplay, having him finger you for a while (oh, I feel dirty writing that out, hehe) and most definitely RELAXING. But the most important thing is that YOU have to be ready for it yourself and do not let anyone pressure you into something you are not really ready for.
To be quite honest, I was sort of pressured my first time, so I was not totally comfortable and relaxed. It hurt really bad and I bled a lot. He was not at all gentle. Makes me wish I had waited (I was only 16).
Another important thing is to make sure your partner is aware that it is your first time so that he can be gentle with you. Otherwise, it will hurt.
I am by no means trying to scare you, just sharing my experience and what I learned from it.


Well-known member
Make sure you love & care about the guy before you actually have intercourse.
You will always remember your 1st.

Does it hurt the 1st time?? yes it does. I also bled.
After the 3rd time it becomes amazing.
It only hurts for the 1st few min though. Just try to relax. I know it's easier said than done.

Just remember, make sure your 1st time is with someone who you really truly love & it should be special


Well-known member
First off, definitely wait until YOU feel it is right-I always told myself I would wait until marriage but well, I didn't...but I felt that it was the right time for me. Second, make sure you are with a guy who will treat you like a total princess-a lot of play beforehand, nothing too rough, just a really nice romantic experience. You have time for rough sex later, have the first time be soft and sweet. Finally, don't feel a ton of pressure to satisfy him or yourself. Let him know that it is your first time and any right guy will be more gentle (yes there are probably some guys out there who delight in roughly deflowering virgins...). Just enjoy the feelings. Don't rush it...if it's rushed you will feel like you missed out.


Well-known member
It hurts. Not a lot, but it's certainly not comfortable.
Relax through it, be sure you're ready, and be safe.


Well-known member
my first time didn't hurt at all and i didnt even bleed. i remember all the stories and being so scared and i was scared for nothing. it's different for everyone.


Well-known member
I agree that its different for everyone. My first time was kind of painful and it felt weird. Mostly because he was big, and I had no idea what I was doing. I think the important part is that you have to be relaxed and as turned on as possible. If you can do that, it will probably range from uncomfortable to awesome. If its not great, no worries, it gets better.