Fixing faded labels on lipsticks/brushes


Active member
I am not sure if this has been posted already and I could not find it in search but I need to know how to fix the labels on my lipsticks which are fading. Also how do I fix this same problem with my brushes. Any and all help is greatly appreciated.


Well-known member
There's no way to "fix" a faded label. I take sticky adhesive paper, cut it in the shape I want, put the name on it and stick it over the faded label. As for brushes, again there is no way to fix the label, but you can put clear nail polish or varnish over the label to prevent further fading HTH!


Well-known member
yup - i put clear polish on my brushes so the numbers don't fade

no way of fixing it once it has happened though


Well-known member
I have had many shadows that appeared to have had faded labels but it was actually makeup gunked up on it! It's gross but using makeup remover gets it nice and clean again.