FOTN for great justice!


Well-known member
I saw Justice at the Mayan last night. it's not bad for my first time back on the horse. I haven't REALLY done my makeup in months. since the last time I posted. I've just been wearing foundation, liner, and chapstick. I'm a very busy girl.


FACE. mineralize satinfinish foundation. mineralize skinfinish. foolish me blush. lightscapade msf.
EYES. heatherette trio 1 & 2. shroom es. jewel blue es. black funk liner.
LIPS. cranapple liner. flowerplay ls. sock hop lg.


Well-known member
thank you so much everybody! I've really missed posting. :3 hopefully I'll be doing my makeup more.

Originally Posted by Dreamergirl3
pretty! I just saw them last week in SF

amazing, right?