FOTN (same night w/ Morris C. and Hoopz)


Well-known member
I just happened to be going through my albums and I completely forgot to post my FOTN that night I met my 2 favorite celebs

I can't remember everything I used but I DO remember using:

Shimmermoss (inner lid)
Creme de Violet blended into Parfait Amour (middle lid to outer V)
Tilt (lower lashline and very very tip of inner V)
mark. Dark Denim e/l
Tan pigment (highlight browbone)
Covergirl Lash Exact mascara
mark. Good Glowing blush in Love Glo
and I don't rember which l/g...I have tooooo damn many!


Well-known member
i love bright colors on our skin... and browns too.... you looked hot.... i loved the pic of morris.... i would have hit the floor... is he tall???


Well-known member
Jeez my digital camera SUCKS!!! I'm looking to buy a new one---got my eye on the new Sony Cyber Shot--but anyone have suggestions?


Well-known member
Thank you darlin!

Yes and he is just soooooo delicious! I still can't get over it! I'm such a dork too--I put the put the original photos up around the edges of my monitor w/ some poster putty-----> hee hee


Pretty eyeshadow!

I just bought a digital camera, It's a Canon Powershot SD600. I love it! I was looking at the Cybershot too. They guy at Best Buy told me they can't keep it on the shelves (because it's a low price for the high megapixel thingy that it has), but he also said he sees a lot of them returned broken or damaged. My friend just got a Casio Exlim and he said it's super nice too.

Good luck! It's hard to pick one out.. I stood in the digital camera section at Best Buy for a loonngg time