Foundation and powder.


Active member

Okay.. so when using mac foundation, is the pressed powder really necessary? I have always followed up foundation with the powder.. because i find that when i don't use the powder... later on in the day.. i don't know how to explain it. But i'm left with like an almost spotty appearance, like an uneven tone on my face when i know i've put it on evenly and perfect before hand!

Does anyone else have this problem? I've seen several FOTD's and saw that a couple of them don't use powder.

I would looooveee to cancel out powder and not have a streaky face. it would save me some serious cash.

any advice/help would be great! thanks!


Well-known member
Well, I think blotting powder is only necessary if your skin tends to look shiny.A better solution to your problem would be using a primer before applying foundation(my personal fav is BeneFit Dr Feelgood, and Smashbox Photo Finish is also good).HTH!


Well-known member
It depends on which foundation you use. I find that the only Mac Foundation that doesn't need blotting, apart from Studio Fix, is Studio Fix Fluid, perfect on its own too.


Well-known member
Try using oil blotting papers and a specially made spray on fixitive for the face. (some are alcohol based sprays). Powder really helps the foundation last longer.