Foundation help please! Studio fix...


Active member
Hi here! I'm new to this forum here! Like you all, I'm falling in love with MAC stuffs and I need a little foundation help here!

Just a little background:

1) I'm Asian, and I wore MAC Studio Fix Powder in NC 30.
It fits me perfectly.

2) I wear Everyday Minerals foundation in Light Olive.

Recently, I bought Studio Fix Fluid foundation in NC30 thinking that it should match me... However, it looks kind of orangey and slightly darker than my neck! I've been thinking that it kind of looks wrong...

Should I change to SFF NC25 instead or change to C30/C25?

Any swatches page I can refer to?

Thanks a lot!


Well-known member
I had the same problem with Studio fix fluid.. It looked dark orange on me. I'm usually NC35, and I tried NC25, 30, 35 and all of them were too dark and had weird undertones.

eventually I ended up with C30 studio fix powder. it has no orangey undertones as far as I can tell. I liked studio fix fluid but the shades were a little off for me


Well-known member
So you have the powder in NC30 and you got the Studio Fix Fluid the same shade as the powder. Try getting it in NC25 to see if it does better than the NC30.


Well-known member
I sampled some Fix Fluid, and it broke me out so bad. I think I had an allergic reaction because there were little red dots all over my chin. lol. It was gross. I was disappointed too because I really liked the way it applies with the 187. I didn't have a problem with the color, but I'm NW so that's probably why.


Active member
Alright thanks! I'll head down to MAC tomorrow and try to get an exchange.. Probably for NC25 or NW30. Will see how it goes!

I really want this to work out.. I love the finish the the studio fix fluid gives! And it stays the entire day without me getting shiny. Its matte and the coverage is good enough.


Well-known member
I don't think you should get NW30. NW is usually darker than NC and if you're asian you most likely have yellow undertones and are therefore NC

I find Studio Fix Fluid a bit darker than the other foundations so I think your best bet is to try the NC25


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Zoffe
I don't think you should get NW30. NW is usually darker than NC and if you're asian you most likely have yellow undertones and are therefore NC

I find Studio Fix Fluid a bit darker than the other foundations so I think your best bet is to try the NC25

you took the words right outta my mouth! i agree 100%. nw is always darker than nc, and almost all asians are gonna have yellower undertones, making them nc. nc25 is what i would recommend since SFF tends to run darker.


Well-known member
^Sorry that I did say NW30. I thought it might work with the NC30 Studio Fix Powder for her. Yeah, NC25 is the correct shade and I edited my post.


Active member
Thanks girls!

I went to MAC today and exchanged it for NC25. Tried a little bit at the store and it looks so much better!