Foundation Recs for 50+ Skin


Well-known member
My darling Mother has always had foundation woes. She can't afford more expensive foundations and is pretty much restricted to drugstore. For Christmas/her birthday I want to buy her a nice one. She's too pretty for crappy foundation!

I would love some recs for her. Some info on her skin:
-'loose'/thin skin
-very abundant and deep pores (they soak up every thing, even when primed)
-wrinkles here and there

I am looking for something that is (in order of importance):
-heavy coverage...she pretty much demands this, ha!
-transfer resistant
-contains little to no light reflecting particles
-moisturizing (not really a requirement as she always uses a great moisturizer and primer)

I have a budget of ~$40.00



Well-known member
I'd try MUFE HD...I've got lots of really bad acne scarring and deep pores, and that stuff looks great on me. Lots of love for it.