French Nails = Slutty?


Well-known member
So I bought Missbehave magazine this month because of the article title "Do your nails make you look like a skank?" (aricle I typed is from there)

And I'm like 99.9% positive the reactions of most people would be like "I don't care what guys think!" but here's an exerpt and please tell me what you think of this:

You know those painted plywood things at amusements parks where you put your face through the cutout and take a picture? Men notice nails because fingers, like lips, are just like those plywood things. Scenery. But for their dicks. Dark nails look ominous. Light nails are gamine and therefore forbidden. The French Manicure, like many things, reminds them of porn. Wihle we know that most of us are not in any immediate danger of willingly getting a French Manicure, you need to konw the sizeable and strangely time-specific hazard therein:

If you're just some girl, a French Manicure guarantees you'll be written off as a slut. If you're wifey and you get one, dudes get amped and grateful. Either way, if you have small hands they tend to get exciteable. It makes every side their good side and it's way less work than shaving their pubes. As a firlgriend, French Manicured gherkin gerks are tremendously good for morale.

So... are French Nails slutty?
Just wondering...


Well-known member
I read in some magazine a long time ago (like in high school) that French manicures/acrylic sets were trashy and I pretty much agree. I also agree that guys will always imagine what your hands look like on their junk.

But I don't really have a reason for thinking this, except that I agreed when I heard that manicure was trashy a long time ago. I think it might have been in Allure or something.


Well-known member
I live in Dallas. Everyone gets their nails done. Everyone.
Here, it's the length that determines the sluttiness, pretty much.
Longer = sluttier.


Well-known member
I agree with the length thing too. but i've always thought really long (also fake) pink nails = slutty... not french tips. I associate short french tips (real nails) with business women for some reason. anyone else?

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I don't see how French manicures make you look slutty. While they're not my pick for nails, I think they just look (when done well) like your natural nails but better. I didn't know nails were a big indicator of that, actually. If you have long (like inches long), bright red nails, maybe but it's more clothes that make you look like something.


Well-known member
well i love french manicures! they dont look slutty at all
the only nails i find slutty are the really long LONG LOONGGGGG acrylic nails especially when the girl wearing them is orange with tonnes of makeup and extentions.
my bf's sister is a nail tech and she does my acrylic nails for free! i dont like them too short because they just look pointless but i suppose if you work and go to college/school and need to write then short is cute but i like long/medium ones but because im going to beauty school i cant wear any nails but my natural nails are long anyway [people think they are fake!] but once i finish beauty school im gonna wear acrylics like everyday and get nail art because you only live once, SPOIL YOURSELF! i hate paris hiltons nails, shes like a billionairess and has very short nails and hardly wears polish, she really needs to go something!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
what the fuck?

Yeah, that was my thought on it too...
Originally Posted by aliciaz727
I agree with the length thing too. but i've always thought really long (also fake) pink nails = slutty... not french tips. I associate short french tips (real nails) with business women for some reason. anyone else?

I'd agree with the length thing too...although, I tend to associate the really really long nails with some ghetto person rather than slutty. And it was always bright cherry red for the color with the length.
When I was in high school, and we would have career day or whatever, I was always told that if you get your nails done, and you get more than just a manicure, to not get them painted any sort of color unless you did a french manicure, simply because its still semi basic looking but professional. Women in the military are only allowed to wear french or american manicures or a light fleshy color that isn't gawdy. I can understand how men associate french manicures with sluts simply because of porno's and crap, but all the same, when the hell did prono sex crazed men start deciding about fashion and turn something that looks elegant and professional into something slutty??


Well-known member
Christ, if I had to worry about every blessed thing I do as slutty, silly, "clownish" (i.e. my make-up) etc. I'd spend all my time worrying! LMAO!

I've been getting acrylics for the last 5 years...Typically, I mix it up with french or painted, but I'm pretty set on the french tips. I've even gone as far as having french tips in crazy, bright pink, etc. I do think that the white tips are classy looking as long as they're not ridiculously long.


Active member
I don't think french manicures are trashy. I usually get french manicures when I'm going to a wedding or a dressy event. A lot of my friends who have gotten married, had french manicures for themselves and all the bridesmaids.


Well-known member
Nails are just decoration just like makeup, hair, and clothes. If men get their nails done, are they sluts too?

Whenever I paint my nails, it's just my nails. No tips or anything. And a french or american manicure only lasts 2 days on me anyways. My boyfriend couldn't care less.


Well-known member
I don't get my nails done, but have before & french manicures are my favorite. I never thought they looked slutty.


Well-known member
I personally hate acrylics myself and I don't think they look particularly classy...JMO! But a French manicure on real nails looks very polished and professional. That article was just crap!


Well-known member
Mmkay, that was...different. I def. never thought a french manicure made you look slutty.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by hdirenzo
Nails are nails. Nail polish/acrylics/ etc are just like makeup for the hands!


I wish people wouldn't be so judgmental of others fingernails.


Well-known member
Short french manis read a bit high maintenance.
Very long nails in general often read as trashy/slutty.

But unless you have talons or very brightly done nails, I don't think most guys notice or care.

Also, besides the fact that you can't always judge a book from its cover, I think you'd need to have much more of a complete look to "look like a skank"-- if you're dressed demurely or in a business suit with a french manicure, that's not going to suddenly turn you into a slut.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
As far as I've always heard, french manicures are classy as long as the nails are not long. It used to be preference for woman who work in consertive atmospheres (& wedding) and looks good with eerything.

I love french manicures & peds!