Future In Marketing?

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One day I was bored so I decided to come up with my own Color story for one of my favorite artist, Beyonce Knowles. I showed it to my mother, my aunts, and friends and they were amazed. Now they all think I have some kind of future in marketing. I mean, I love to write and I write short stories but I dont know. I know it can be a lucrative career but do you think I have any talent? I may be persuaded to make Marketing Management my major when I register for college this week.

Beyonce for M.A.C
September 2008
Regular Eyeshadows
"Smokin' Creole" - A smokey bronze with micro-fine flecks of gold gilter -Veluxe pearl
"Dangerusly In Love" A rich, juicey mate plum with red undertones - Mate
" Deri-Aire" - A light brown infused with light-catching pearl essance - Veluxe Pearl
"Dreamette' - A mate pasific blue - Mate

Prolonglash - blackout (repromote)

Mineralize Shadows
"Mission 1" - Glitzy blue with swirls of light orange and yellow
"Temptation" - Deep dark black with sliver and gold swirls
"Sashaaa!" - Pepto pink with gold and brown swirls

Mineral Skinfinish
"Deep In The Heart" - A beautiful golden pink with bronze, deep pink, and purple swirl
"Deja Vu" - Gold, gold, and more gold with vanilla refliects

"Jigga Baby" - A natural girly pink flush
"The Upgrade" - A expensive golden hue

"Get Me Bodied" - A light, fleshy pink.
"To The Left" -A deep golden brown.
"World Wide"- A shocking berry.
"La fox" - Deep clasic red

Flaws and All Cream
"A breakthrough in fighting the battle with hyperpigmentation! Get rid of all your harsh bleaching creams and feel the gentle difference of all natural ingredients. Dark spots will magicaly vanish without compromizing the skins natural tone and glow. Flaws be gone!
"Gentle" - for light skintones
"Gentle+" - for medium skintones
"Gentle Deluxe" For darker skintones

Did I make you want to get out your wallets and spend spend spend? lol


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