Get more Naked Lunch?


Well-known member
The silver pan is starting to show through! I ordered this (my very first MAC e/s) based on the good reviews I had read but wasn't initially impressed with it which is why I was really surprised to see just how much I've used! So, obviously its grown on me! I think its a good starter e/s. I like its versatility in its layering ability, such as under Trax. I love colors (getting spoiled with the more I try!) but there are days when I just don't feel like putting the effort into putting something colorful on. It's currently the only neutral e/s I own. I do wish the color pay off, on its own, was a little bit more. Is there a similar but better e/s from MAC or should I just stick with what works?


Well-known member
Naked Lunch is one of the two shadows I ever had to replace and I'm quickly working my way through my second. I say get another


Well-known member
naked lunch was my first highlight and now i have a whole pallete dedicated to highlights but i was only find myself going back to it. I say buy another!! but im biased


Well-known member
Originally Posted by n_c
Jest is similar color, but more frosty good highlight imo.

Jest is a great color! I'm really fair so Jest and Naked Lunch, while similar, look totally different on me. Jest is very frosty, a white-ish pale peach, while Naked Lunch is more of a glowy peachy gold on me. I'd say just get another Naked Lunch and throw Jest in there while you're at it.


Well-known member
I love Shroom as a highlight/all over color, its more of a cream though. I love it! My go to highlight!