Getting a big scar removed...


Well-known member
I am getting scar treatment/scar revision done
at a plastic surgery office. Its a slow process
and cost about 3,000.
My scar is a pretty big hypertrophic accident scar.
I have to get six injections (they stab your scar all over
and inject it with this weird white stuff)
of this stuff called KENALOG.
They after two weeks you get microdermabrasion.
I have to get six Kenalog shots, and six laser treatments
and the micro.
The other day I went they did the microderma and she also
treated it with liquid nitrogen (super cold it hurts) which is supposed
to tighten the scar up. It did!
The scar and the skin are red and irritated now though.
Has any one else tried scar revision?
Oh they also gave me a tube of Scar Fade (52 dollars!)
that I put on it twice a day.
It seems to be helping slightly.
Its the same stuff they use for the plastic surgery patients.