Getting postcards/invites from MAC?


Well-known member
I've asked at the Nordstroms and Hechts counters here but I never can get a definitive answer. I also tried searching on here but couldn't come up with anything so bear with me...

I know some people get invites to events or at the very least flyers/postcards announcing the new collections in the mail. How do I get on that mailing list? I have bought stuff from the MAC website and tons of stuff from the counters here. Is it because I haven't bought anything from a freestanding store? Anyone know how I can get my name on this list? I collect the postcards when I can but our counters hardly ever get any, and I never hear of events until after they happen!

Thanks in advance... clue me in!


Well-known member
I don't know but my Mom got an invite for the Holiday stuff and I didn't. She rarely buys anything so I don't know what the deal is.


Well-known member
Maybe it's connected to the store's charge card? I signed up with the Clinique counter once and got a card or 2. Maybe it has to do with the salespeople going through their mail list & getting them sent out?

On the MAC site, there is a thing to click to sign up to receive word about the Holiday stuff, main page in the upper left corner. That's just an email, tho.


Well-known member
Nope,.. I only get them sporadically. I had them put me on the mailing list at a freestanding store and Nordies,..I never get anything for the Nordies promos. I did get the mailing for Naturally Eccentric,.. and I just got a beautiful postcard for the Oranamentalism stuff coming out on Oct 20th. It took them about 2 years to actually start sending me things,..... sad but true,.. I had to keep on them every time at the freestanding.


Well-known member
I wonder if the counters send anything out at all? Probably not, I'm guessing. We don't have a freestanding store close by unfortunately.


Well-known member
Mailing list

My mailings list the return addy as a Pro Store from which I had made purchases. I had done a mail order from them, I think that is how they got my address. I've shopped at other Pro and freestanding stores in other geographic areas, however, I have NOT gotten on those mailings. NO mailings from Nordstrom. I think it takes an SA who is on the ball to put you in the list.


Well-known member
I am going in today, I was going to ask my MA about this anyways. I will let you know what I find out. I have only gotten one invite in the mail. It is weird, very random!


Well-known member
Thanks for all the info! CaliKris I'm curious to hear what they have to say, thanks for asking!


Well-known member
my sis just got a cute invite to ornementilsm and i didnt, i spend way more thier! BUT a year ago i took in my other sis to get soem stuff she used her credit card and abotu 2 months later she got an invite, i know my sister who got her invite today uses her card at mac so maybe they only send thier invites or promos to credit card holders? just a though since i dont have a credit card and never recived btw im so excite that not only ornmentalism is coming out but the viva glam pallet will too! at least thats what it said...


Well-known member
I'd like to know as well. I asked on another board and no one replied. If it has to be a certian spending amount then I am sure I am so far surpast it!


Well-known member
I never received any postcards until naturally eccentric. I'd been buying MAC in substantial quantities for four years, had been put on the list/in the computer at 2 counters, 2 stores, and a pro-store. Then I had my name put in the computer at the Nashville freestanding, and bang I started getting mailings. I really think the mailing lists are totally random. I dont think it has to with spending or anything.


Well-known member
I get invites but I have a PPID card, plus I've signed up for classes so I don't kow if that makes a diff. too


Active member
I can tell you its definitely NOT related to spending because my friend who spends an obscene amount of money at MAC never gets them and a mutual friend of ours who buys a couple things every month or two gets them!

I have received postcards in the mail from a freestanding Bay counter, and from a local PRO store, and ones that are coming from the States even though I live in Canada!

I don't know what inspires them to send out, but I think Sigwing may be right about signing up for a card, because it seems like since I signed up for a HBC card the postcards have come from the Bay regularly. The ones I get from the freestanding Bay counter are the secondary cards which differ from those handed out at the counter (e.g. horizontal shots instead of vertical) which is very exciting!


Well-known member
I ordered from the site for a few years and never got one but when a counter opened up within a few hours of me I started purchasing there and ordering through them (cheaper shipping). I got my first invite the other day so my guess would be that it's the actual MAC stores that send them out. HTH!


Well-known member
One of the last visits I made to the MAC store was to ask to be put on their mailing list for openings...and she added my name to a book they had at the counter. I got one for Ornamentalism in the mail and the invite to the opening on the 20th- how I got the books for Summer and Madame Butterfly is beyond me, but I am sooo glad I did!