getting rid of natural tan?

lost in hollywood

Active member
hi. i'm very fair and over the last 2 years i really got into wearing short-sleeved shirts and tanks and stuff, but as a result i've got a round tan just above my boobs because of necklines, and my entire arms are tanned up until where a short sleeve would go. is there anyway i can eliminate this tan? i will definately start covering up, but i was wondering what else i can do. i really like my natural color and don't want to even it all out.



Well-known member
I'm thinking that you'd have to moisturize with a lotion that includes an exfoliating agent like alpha hydroxy acid or even fruit enzymes...And then maybe use a skin whitener to even it out & back to your natural colour.


Well-known member
first of all, you need to use sunscreen on your exposed areas every single day (I have the same problem you do...almost like a farmer's tan!). I found that the sunscreen stopped the additional sun exposure and my "tanned" skin is now blending into the rest of my unexposed skin. It takes time, and you might want to use a bronzer in the meantime to even everything out. HTH!