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Girlie,Sushi flower, Sketch, Vanillla


Well-known member
I wanted to do a look not using greens and purples but i did use Sketch

My ADHD kisked in an forgot I had the camera on so you can see m y lil doggies running around for a while...hope u like the look

P.S. I SHAVED!!!!!!!!!!!

YouTube - Pink and purple




Well-known member
Gorgeous Sweetie!!! I love this ......Your blending is amazing

But can I be honest and say I like the grubby look...But thats my thing.....My dh only gets it when the after 5 shadow is present
Needless to say..he don't shave often LOL


Well-known member
Yeah I was going to trim my stache down to a 1940's mustache and i totally cut one side off and i liked like hitler so i was like HELL NO!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TheeBettyBoop
loved it! what are you wearing on your lips?

Im wearing the new LE DAZLEGLASS in Utterly Posh

glassy girl

Well-known member
Looks great but im a fan of the goatie (but like tish says it just my thing i don't let the hubby shave it either) either way ur a good looking boy!


Well-known member
Awww guys my honey told me today he likes me clean shaven but I feel like I look 16 years old. Ill be 30 in JUNE OMG!!! BUT the girls at the counter loved my little stache/goate/ ala BACKSTREET BOY...lol im gonna start growing it out NOW!!!!!! Thanks yall


Well-known member
great job, and in a sense it still looks cool in a masculine way.
keep surprising us with looks


Well-known member
I WILL ....i had lost my inspiration but SPECKTRA has helped me find it!!! thanks again! I LOVE YOU ALL and all your comments good or bad help me become a better make-up artist !!