Girls who want boys who want girls & a new haircut


Well-known member
Got all the dead stuff hacked off and bangs woohoo!


No flash natural light w00t


My face always goes red my skin is way too sensitive


I'm sooo tempted to do low lights in bright red but trying
to actually let it grow out.

Face ~ (done very sloppy)
Some cover girl foundation
Studio Stick Foundation NW15 under eyes down nose blah blah blah
Did I mention done sloppy.

Eyes ~
Juxt over lid
Jucied in crease followed by Chrome Yellow
Humid added to lid
Shroom & Phoof to highlight/blend
UD Last Call on lid 1/2 way
Humid on lower lid
Dazzle Lash Mascara

Ta Da! My stupid crease is mean and if I put eyeliner on you can't see my lid sooo I went to the Japanese store today and purchased some of those sticky tape things you put on your lid to widen the crease cannot wait to try it out.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by M.A.C. head.
What's that lip color?! It's very pretty.

I love your high light too.

Bourjois Paris Rouge Pop Chic but I don't know the color name I got it a few years ago at Sephora.


Well-known member
loving this look. the e/s compliments your coloring beaauuutifully. low lights in bright red I think would look amazing, but your hair is already looovely.


Well-known member
Thank you. Sadly my camera is very old and has this "spot" where it's blurry no matter how I clean the lenses. Once I get my new camera fixed I'll be able to take better pix. Right now it never quite looks like how it is in real life.

Originally Posted by enigmaticpheo
loving this look. the e/s compliments your coloring beaauuutifully. low lights in bright red I think would look amazing, but your hair is already looovely.
