Glued in Extensions


Well-known member
Has anyone ever glued in their hair extensions?? I have the clip in ones right now but they are getting to ve a hassle putting them in and takin them out. I was thinking about just glueing them in. Some of my friends have done it and it looked good and didn't damage their hair but I'm afraid that since I have thin hair it will really hurt it. If anyone has any input please reply! thanks!


Well-known member
i've heard that it works fine but that it can be kind of tricky to get in and out, sorry i dont think this really helps but ive never personally tried them.


Well-known member
it's not a glue it's acutally a wax and yes, i've had them. they look cool but they can get itchy. if you don't want them anymore(i only had mine for 2 weeks) just pick at the wax and you can take them out.


Hey! You are talking to the extension queen.
I have had them all! sewn in, fusion, great length, glued, clips...
You name it, i have had it.
Ok here is the 411: Glued in is fine, but it usually does not last more then like 3 weeks, because the glue starts to fade and the extensions get really loose. And when it's time to take them out....
DO NOT buy any products to remove them, it's a waste of money.
Just get some conditioner and drench your head with it wait like 3 hours, go in the shower and just comb it out. And p.s: you can glue them in yourself.
do I think it's worth it??? Nah! Probably not, I love the clip-in ones.
If you do buy real hair, then you can always re-use the same hair for like 7-10 applications.
Hopes this helps!


Well-known member
i have pretty thin hair and i've had glue ins...i wouldn't suggest them, because like Mandy said, the glue will start to go soft after only a few weeks. you can get the glue out with oil, but then that blows because you have to wash your hair with a clairfying shampoo a few times to get all the oil out. it's pretty much just a total pain in the arse hah!


Well-known member
If you glue them in (use Liquid Gold glue, btw), you can't really take a nice hot shower, because the heat will soften up the glue..nor can you really scrub your roots, because the shampoo might lift the glue. I'd really only recommend leaving them in for a week or so.

If you want to spend the extra time/money/hassle, I'd recommend sewing the wefts in. If you want to do it yourself, just make a little cornrow braid where you want the weft to go, and then sew with the stretchy extension elastic. It lasts longer...and you can use hot water to shower. Always a plus.


Well-known member
Thanks everyone for the advice and info! Ya maybe i wont glue them in but maybe haha im not sure. My clip ins are real hair. My friend had her extensions glued in for a month or 2 and they still looked good. As long as it's not super bad for my hair ill prob. try it!


Active member
I've had glued in extensions before and kept them in for 5 + weeks... As long as you don't put loads of conditioner on them when you wash your hair, or heat the bonded area, they stay in pretty well. There's plenty of other methods, though. Like sew-in, pro-tac tape, shrinkies or micro rings. I've become a real extension know-all lately!


Well-known member
man, I wish I had the guts to go through with extensions... I have such thin hair and afraid of major breakage. I would love to have instantly full, lush long(ish) hair though.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sewpunk
man, I wish I had the guts to go through with extensions... I have such thin hair and afraid of major breakage. I would love to have instantly full, lush long(ish) hair though.

Yeah that's wut im scared of! Especially because lately my hair is kinda been falling out because of stress I think. I'm afraid that if I glue in extensions that it will just make my hair fall out more. MY hair was thing before all that too.


Well-known member
i use rubber glue rather than liquid gold

i personally find that impossible to get out

i have the thinnest hair EVER...not cos i have wefts in tho

warning tho...once you start using extensions

you'll feel bald without them!ha! x


Well-known member
haha ya that's what I was thinking too, if I had extensions in I would feel weird with such short thin hair after! What exactly is rubber glue??


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lauren006
Yeah that's wut im scared of! Especially because lately my hair is kinda been falling out because of stress I think. I'm afraid that if I glue in extensions that it will just make my hair fall out more. MY hair was thing before all that too.

If you do get them glued in, when you take them out dont be too worried by the amount of your own hair that comes out with them because its just the hair that will normally fall out on a day-to-day basis but it hasnt been able to because its been held there by the glue.


Well-known member
i did this once in the summer.. It was way hot and it lasted ONE Day! haha i have thick hair as it is.. and more hair was too much for my head to handle. I was sweating like crazy and out came the hair..(AT WORK!)


Well-known member
sorry for late reply ive not been online

rubber glue is less harsh it kinda looks like eyelash glue

where as liquid gold is like super glue!!


Well-known member
I have had both glue in and sewn in.. Glue isn't bad if its just a short lived kinda thing, but don't EVER try to pull them out. They do sell glue dissolvers, which i HIGHLY recommend. You just put it right on the glue and it dissolves into a foam and the extenstion slides right out.

And my advice on sewn in extenstions... don't go to an expensive salon. *It isn't always the case* but many salons are just doing it because its become such a craze, and they just do it to make money. They can overcharge you and not even do a very good job because they don't always know what they are doing.

My best friend paid $400+ at a ritzy salon to get them put in and they were falling out within 2 days. I took her to a woman that has been doing them for years and she showed me what they "tried" to do to her hair. They GLUED them in and sewed them to the glue and CUT OUT HER REAL HAIR AT THE ROOT! It was a tragedy. And this woman with her tiny little salon fixed them for her and does an excellent job and charges 1/4 of the price that the salon that destroyed my friends hair did. She now goes to the little salon on a regular basis, so it is a happy ending


Active member
ive had glued in individual extensions, keratin individual extensions microrings and sewn in track method. IMO the track method is the best because you can style and tug and it wont rip your hair out, theres barely any shedding, its cheaper ( 80 $ for three tracks) that lasts me two months, if you buy good quality hair you can reuse it, and its safer on my hair.

ive had a pretty bad experience with glued in individuals because 1) they tangle like crazy! 2) if you blow dry or flat iron wrong they melt on your hair and other extensions and u get a big big mess 3) if you dont take care if it, it will dreadlock and you will have to cut it out of your hair along with your own hair that means cutting close to your root. 4) 150 dollars which isnt bad compared to people who pay 1000-3000 but prices vary. 5) when you take it out, you have to find someone who will do it professionally or your own hair will be very very damaged. 6) sometimes it falls out when you brush your hair,so be sure to brush not in public!!! 7) it sheds be prepared to find hair in your food in your dogs food and on your boyfriend (in places that only you should venture and not your fallen hair strands).8) be prepared to stick random "undone" strands in your pocket backpack purse or nearest trash can quickly! 9) you cant put slippery shampoo or conditioner on it or they will slip off. 10) it is a big b*tch to take out. it takes hours to put in and twice that time to take out. 11) you cant wash or sleep on your head during the first 48 hours of install.

there is less damage with keratin bonds but they are milder glue in method and i had shedding like crazy!!! it was unbearable. everytime i ran my fingers through my hair a handful of unglued extensions would come out. my boyfriend was seriously suffering too =[ I reinstalled 2 weeks later with a different method.

but! the good thing is individuals are lighter than sew in and they are alot more natural looking. sewn in extensions are bulky and you can feel it whereas individuals are lighter but they do look piecy. SOme people really love individuals but i know of A LOT who had damage or could not take care of it and had to cut it off.

if your talking about glued in tracks i know of some people on boards whove had it in for a month. They glue it in with a glue called liquid gold sold at beauty stores, but not sallys. for me since my scalp is super oily it lasted me a week. Oils, deep conditioners work on taking Liquid gold bonded wefts out.

Good luck on your extensions. I honestly truly love mine! i hope you make good decisions for the health of your hair. =)

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