Going from Perm to Freelance..


Well-known member
Has anyone done it??? Did it feel different coming to the counter?

Freelancers: What should I expect??

I worked for MAC and left in April. I miss it and I'm about to fill out my freelance paper work this week. I feel really weird about it. :confused:


Well-known member
I know a lot of people who have done it. One of my friends actually works more as a freelancer (and he was a 30 hour before)...basically, you can expect to work a lot during the back to school/holiday time, but things will drop off after February & not be quite as steady.

Remember to put your name into all the stores in your area so that you're more likely to be called throughout the year.


Well-known member
I did...and I don't regret it one bit. I actually have a life now, and I still get to work doing something I love. The best thing to do is to tap you MAC connections and get your name out to as many counters as you can. Since you were perm before, and you know what to do (meaning they don't need to train you),you'll be called quite a bit. I can get up to 30 hours a week if I wanted to (but I can't because of school and my family). good luck!


Well-known member
I was a permanent with Benefit (Malaysia) but I couldn't STAND the management, so after 2 months, I went on as a free lancer. much more relaxed I must say. you don't have to suffer too much from the counter politics. plus, u work at your own will. you're not obligated to work for them if you don't want to. also, you can explore many other brands instead of being tied down to just one.

however, problem with freelancing is the competition with the permanents. you'll always be in a way, an "outsider". Permanent girls won't be too willing to help you with your sales and all because they either don't know u all tht well or they have their own target to meet. you may also get called to many different outlets so you may have difficulty adjusting to different counters, colleagues and also customers especially the regulars.


Well-known member
Thank you luvies!!!

I was just so nervous about going back and stuff. But now I'm getting excited.


Well-known member
Filled out my paper work on my birthday.

She called yesterday and asked if I wanted to work at her locatin part time. I can't and she understood because of my schedule. Maybe I'll go back later.

But for right now, I think freelancing is going to be good for me.


Well-known member
My first day as a freelancer was on Monday and I rawked it. It was so much fun. The girls there are so wonderful. It felt different because I had no stress and was there to have fun and do make up.