Golden Glow Look


Well-known member
I know that color looks really well on dark skin... well its what everyone says but i haven't accepted colors yet.

I want to achieve a golden/glow look.
Right now im obsessed with a golden color, it doesn't really show too bright but it should be visible with my nw 43 skin or is that something like nc50.
Also bring out the eyes by using black liquid liner or whatever you can use to extend the eyes.
My lips are BLACK lol.. in other words its the darkest thing on my face. I heard concealer would bring out colors but whatever would go with that golden glow look.

I'm going to go to MAC and play around... this time I hope I can find someone who know how to work with my skin tone rather then confusing me with a whole load of stuff.


Well-known member
I worked with two NW50s yesterday and we were tying to achieve this same look. Here's what we came up with...

For that golden shimmer, we tried a ton of products with chalky/ashy results until I finally got smart. Try Bronze Cream Color Base as you would a highlighter. It's amazing. AMAZING! This is probably one of my favorite looks of all of the looks I've worked on at the counter.

For lips, we had good success with a nude lipstick (like Soft Lust) applied first, then topped with a bronze or gold color. For one of the ladies, we did Soft Lust topped with one of the colors from Moonbathe (Crescent) but you could try Coconutty, Fresh Brew, Chintz or the like, depending on the look you want. We were going for a nice nude lip (which they had been told that they couldn't ever have--- what!?). Using a really nude color like Soft Lust was a bit softer than the sometimes-harsh concealer all over the lips look. It also helped tone down the contrast between the dark and pink colors of these particular women's lips.

The other young lady ended up with Soft Lust topped with Sophisto, which was HOT. She had wanted a bit more color than her sister but still not COLOR, ya know what I mean?

Anyway, hope this helps...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by claresauntie

For that golden shimmer, we tried a ton of products with chalky/ashy results until I finally got smart. Try Bronze Cream Color Base as you would a highlighter. It's amazing. AMAZING! This is probably one of my favorite looks of all of the looks I've worked on at the counter.

I have the Bronze CCB and I use it all the time! It's awesome
Great suggestions!


Active member
NW45 here! I also have Bronze CCB and I LOVE it! For darker skin tones, it gives you that perfect golden glow look.


Well-known member
Wow, I wish there were pixs. I don't really understand the colors, Products so I guess an image of the over all finish product sure would help.


Well-known member
Misshopeful24 you are where I was 2 years ago. I was obsessed with achieving the "golden glow". I found three products that worked. Improper Copper CCB (Cream Color Base), Bronze CCB and Golden Bronze Iridescent Powder.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Misshopeful24
Wow, I wish there were pixs. I don't really understand the colors, Products so I guess an image of the over all finish product sure would help.

What are you having a hard time understanding? If you explain a little more I'm sure we can elaborate.