Good fragrance for a 15 yr old girl who r/o


New member
is a bit on the tomboy side. She loves to wear gloss but that is all her parents will allow her to wear. She plays all kinds sports but is starting to want a bit of attention from the boys since she got contacts and ditched her glasses.

I was thinking Amazing Grace but I am partial to it since it's my fave.

Is there anything that is "sporty" and fun but not over powering?


Well-known member
jennifer lopez new perfume isnt that heavy but i dont know if there are any sporty perfumes. maybe you should take her out & pick one out or is it a surprise?


Well-known member
Sporty?? Hm....

- Urban Decay - Go
- Donna Karen - Be Delicious (I actually really it for being a DKNY fragrence)
- Clean (can't even go wrong with this one)
- Child (I think Fred Sigel carries this?? Not exactly sporty but it's amazing!)

From what you said I think those would all be very age appropriate and her parents would like them.


New member
Originally Posted by missdiorable
jennifer lopez new perfume isnt that heavy but i dont know if there are any sporty perfumes. maybe you should take her out & pick one out or is it a surprise?

It's for my niece. She asked for a perfume for Christmas.

I really like the new JLo one but I am not so sure she would.

I wish I could take her out to pick up one but she is always busy. When she is not playing one sport she is practicing for another. Her parents come down hard on her if she doesn't get straight A's so if it's not sports it's school work.

Originally Posted by FairladyZ
Sporty?? Hm....

- Urban Decay - Go
- Donna Karen - Be Delicious (I actually really it for being a DKNY fragrence)
- Clean (can't even go wrong with this one)
- Child (I think Fred Sigel carries this?? Not exactly sporty but it's amazing!)

You always have great ideas. I didn't even think of getting her Clean.
I have not yet had the pleasure of sniffing Child. Can you describe it?

From what you said I think those would all be very age appropriate and her parents would like them.


Well-known member
lol thanks
I just try to think of specific notes & ingredients to figure it out. Sporty makes me think green/citrus/water
I love Clean in all it's incarnations!
Child's hard for me to describe... Actually now that I'm thinking about it, I dont think it would be a good choice at all. Too sensual I think?

So here's a different one:
- Anna Sui Secret Wish. Victoria's Secret is the only place I know of that has it. I loved it, and it's certainly a fun young fragrance. Spiky fruit notes & slightly grassy with a little bit of floral. I didn't pick up so much of the cedarwood & amber in it like the description. I'm sure it would get a parental stamp of Approval
And I'm sure she'd love the cute bottle too! (blue fluted glass with a frosted pixi pirched on a ball for the cap)

IMHO ... From the ones I lised I'd say Clean & Secret Wish would be your best bets.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by FairladyZ
Sporty?? Hm....

- Donna Karen - Be Delicious (I actually really it for being a DKNY fragrence)

I wear this when I'm dressing down, I love it!!! It's very clean and fruity at the same time. But I guess it smells different on everyone since everybody's body has a diff. ph balance.


Well-known member
If you can still find it and I'm pretty sure it's still around, Stila's Jade Blossom EDP. I'm wearing it now and it's very, very fresh which I also seem to associate with 'sporty'.


Well-known member
Thats so funny you posted Jade Blossim! I was thinking of it, but I wasn't sure b/c I can't remember what it smells like!

Nordstrom carries it, as does Sephora.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AllINeedIsMac
I wear this when I'm dressing down, I love it!!! It's very clean and fruity at the same time. But I guess it smells different on everyone since everybody's body has a diff. ph balance.

It really smells like ripe green apples on me
I get hungrey wearing it lol


Well-known member
my sister is 15 and is really into sports and she LOVES the addidas perfume both of the women ones. I know one is just called Addidas and it's blue and I can't remember what the other one is called but it was pink and a little more sohisticated smelling. If she is a little more into brand names tommy hilfiger true star is a clean nice scent.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by missdiorable
jennifer lopez new perfume isnt that heavy but i dont know if there are any sporty perfumes. maybe you should take her out & pick one out or is it a surprise?

I second J.Lo.... I llike the live perfum AAAALOT

Christina Victoria

Well-known member
Try any of Abercrombie + Fitch's Fragrances. They really have an uplifting scent, with a touch of girlie-ness, but not too overpowerering. I would also check out Calvin Klein's perfumes, he has a bunch of great ones.


I love DK Be Delicious but I'm 27.It reminds me very spicy fresh apple and it's so sensual.
Last day I smell the second perfume of Morgan and I thought I'm too old to wear it.It's a light fresh raspberry.This could be good for little girls.
But I don't know you can have it in US.


Well-known member
Oh I think Sephora has Morgan de Toi in the store b/c I remember the bottle! It is a nice one, and I almost bought it too


New member
Thanks for all the help!
I ended up getting her DK Be Delicious and I found out she wanted BS fantasy so I got her that too.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Zap2it
Thanks for all the help!
I ended up getting her DK Be Delicious and I found out she wanted BS fantasy so I got her that too.


I was just about to second Be Delicious when I saw you had written this. I was also going to say that most tomboys I've seen seem to favour body sprays like Bath and Body Works, too. So, that's also something to consider in the future. I *think* they sell perfume versions of a lot of their sprays now, too.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Zap2it
Thanks for all the help!
I ended up getting her DK Be Delicious and I found out she wanted BS fantasy so I got her that too.

Hurray! I was currious to see what you finally picked