Good Hairstyling Instruction Dvds ?!?!


Well-known member
Hey members,

I'm looking for hairstyling instruction dvds, as title says - I'm a make.up artist and not that bad about doing hairstylings but just the simple ones - and I'd really like to get better skills than I have now....I spend a fortune on hairstyling books, but I think it would be easier for me to learn from watching......anyways....are there any recommendations for instructional dvds ? I was already googeling, but most dvds are more about hair cutting & barbering, which has no point for me.

I saw the Sharon Blaine dvds and I have some of her books but most of the looks are a little.....over the top (although wonderful).
Google suggested Patrick Cameron but since I couldn't find any reviews about his videos, I thought I'd better ask, before spending lots of money again.

I wouldn't mind spending a lot, if I know it's what I don't hesitate to recommend expensive stuff if its good.

I hope you have some tips for me =)


Well-known member
sadly i don't have any dvds! but i generally watch people like pursebuzz on youtube for hair style tutorials that are easy to do! :)


Well-known member
I do have a DVD that came with my GHDs but I know on the GHD website they have the videos on there. I always find youtube a good place to watch tutorials :)