Hair Advice


Well-known member
Thanks for reading. I'm pretty mentally challenged when it comes to hair, so I thought I would hop over to this thread for some advice.

My current hair has been dyed this color, however it has now faded, is a shade lighter or so, and has about an inch of newgrowth:


I would like to get the dark out and go back to a color closer to my natural color. This picture is the most my hair has been "natural" in years, the top 4 inches or so is my natural regrowth while the rest is a very faded out light red that I used to always put in:


So the question is, how can I go about achieving the 2nd color again? But mainly, without completely killing/frying my hair in the process.

Thanks for any advice given!! I really appreciate it! :-D


Well-known member
first off both colors look beautiful on you :)

But if you wanna go lighter there are a few different processes you can go toward. Since you already have color on your hair..always follow the number one rule "color doesnt lift color" you can just go and put another color wont touch it! So you either will have to strip out the dark color and have it toned after. Depending on whats used to strip it, it can be very damaging. Or you can do a really heavy full highlight and tone it to a lighter color after. This still can be damaging b/c bleach is being used but its normally more trust worthy. Depending on how well the color lifts out of your hair it may take more than one process to get to the color you are desiring.
Hope this helps...if you have any other questions..ask away


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Jewelz913
first off both colors look beautiful on you :)

But if you wanna go lighter there are a few different processes you can go toward. Since you already have color on your hair..always follow the number one rule "color doesnt lift color" you can just go and put another color wont touch it! So you either will have to strip out the dark color and have it toned after. Depending on whats used to strip it, it can be very damaging. Or you can do a really heavy full highlight and tone it to a lighter color after. This still can be damaging b/c bleach is being used but its normally more trust worthy. Depending on how well the color lifts out of your hair it may take more than one process to get to the color you are desiring.
Hope this helps...if you have any other questions..ask away

Thanks for all the advice!! The only thing, and I should have mentioned this before, is that my hair does not seem to react well to bleach. Granted, it has only had bleach touch it once, but after that time the parts that were bleached were completely fried. No, the worse I have ever seen! They would not lie straight, they were crinkly and course. Is it possible that some hair just does not do well with bleach and that that kind of thing happens?! Or what could I do to prevent that from happening again?

p.s. a stylist put the bleach in and it still did that.


Well-known member
I prefer ypur hair in the second pic. I would try a different stylist and get highlights! Tell them of your history, and maybe even do a small part first to see how your hair reacts.

I love the doggie in the pic