Hair/ Makeup Rec.


Hey girls & guys I just started going to college and have found that I have let myself go within that time. I wanted to do something for myself like get a new haircut/color and makeup. Thing is I wouldn't know where to start so if you could please post pics of hair/ makeup that would suit me that would be great thanks. I'll post a pic of me without makeup and with my hair how it currently is.



Well-known member
I think that your hair would look cute a little bit shorter, a richer darker brown, and with layers and bangs! As for makeup; it is really personal preference, you could really pull off anything!


Well-known member
i think for your hair you should cut it to just above your shoulders and have lots of choppy layers to give it lots of texture. and perhaps side bangs? that's look very nice

as for make up... i think purples would look quite nice on you
maybe do a smokey purple eye look. mac beautiful iris shadow on the lid, violet pigment in the inner crease and then trax or even sketch shadow in the outer crease. gleam shadow is a good highlight colour for purples