Hair?! There's hair on my head?! What should I do?!?


Well-known member

So, I've been growing out a mohawk for I don't know how long, and today I finally realized I have hair now! I mean I knew I had hair, but I just straightened it like perfectly, and it hit me.

It's still quite a bit longer in the back (the inevitable mullet effecting of growing out 'hawks), and the sides towards the front of my face still aren't completely grown out (ewww, I hate them).

Knowing how smart you classy ladies are I was thinking maybe you could give me some opinions and/or suggestions. Thank-youuuuuuuu!

I'm thinking of a classy little something or other kinda like this;

^ clickk it. click it good.
PS. In these pictures I looked retarded, so please ignore that. I was trying to just show the length and face shape.

Clickkk. The above is me in silly, tiny pigtails. =]