Hair Trauma


So ladies I really need your help on this!
I was thinking about colouring my hair, but im planning on doing it at home..
I am also in need of a haircut. My hair is pretty long, and im getting a pinkies lenght cut off. I was wondering weather or not I should colour my hair first and then get a cut, or the other way around? Since colouring the hair will produce many split ends I was thinking of colouring first.. But since my hair is so long I was thinking of cutting it first as well so there will be more hair dye for my hair. Any opinions? Sorry if this is very confusing!!


Well-known member
it doesn't really matter a whole lot but if you are highlighting your hair and getting a new hair style with the cut I would cut it first that way you know where to place the color more.


Well-known member
hmm i don't really think there is a right or wrong way but what i usually do is cut then color. don't know why just do it that way. if you're worried about running out of dye, don't. they put so much dye in there that i don't really think it's possible for you to run out of dye. you'll have more than enough of dye left. i usually trim all my layers every first of the month and then a few weeks later, i usually just color my hair with the feria shiny black [blue black color] hair dye. works wonderfully! good luck!!