Haircolor addicts needed! Which brand is best?


Well-known member
Hi Everyone,

I've been colouring my own hair for ages now, and I'm thinking of moving on to some other "salon" brands. Previously, I had been using Garnier 100% Colour and then recently I used L'Oreal Superior Preference High-Lift colours (which I do like alot.)

I'm planning to bleach my hair for lighlights (using my trusty old Jerome Russel bleach) and then do an all over colour. I'm hoping to get a light brown/dark blonde base. My hair is naturally a dark brown/soft black colour.

I've found a website called SleekHair that sells a variety of hair dye brands and I'm wondering which on to choose because suddenly there are so many choices.

I'm all confused between:

Does anyone have previous experience with any of these brands? And which one would you recommend?

Thanks bunches!


Well-known member
Everyone I know recommends Wella for hair colour. My bff swears by them.