Harassment, mail fraud, blah I need advice


Well-known member
First off, sorry if this isn't the right type of thing for this forum and should be in the Chatter section, I'd really like to keep it here since the forum is locked.

I'm reaching out for advice on here because I know in the beauty communities, a lot of people have unfortunately have gotten ripped off and had to file claims and things with the post office so maybe someone here can give me some info on mail fraud.

The real kick in the ass that only fellow MAC addicts can understand? While I was waiting to see if I'd get a California Dreamin' postcard, a postcard came in the mail one day and I got excited until I realized it was an ad for a Vegas trip postcard. Not only that but guess who it was for? You guessed it! Fake person!!!

What can I do to stop the mail from coming? It's piling up so I'm going to go to the post office but before I go, I wanna make sure I know some info about it and what I can do. I'd like for mail addressed to that person to just be stopped from coming at all.

Another note, and this is where the harassment part comes in. What can I do to possibly find out who is behind this?

If you read all that, thank you
I'd love any advice someone can give me.
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Well-known member
You might think about doing a free credit report to see if anyone has fradulently used your social or address. This type of behavior can sometimes show up on a credit report. Also you should contact the company that the items/mail came from and see if they can give you any insight. I think that it is a good idea for you to go to your local post office branch and talk to them about it. It really sucks that people do this type of s**t. I wish I had more insight and I hope that it works out for you.

EDIT: If you know who is doing this you should confront them if you can or go to the police. This type of behavior shouldn't be tolerated!


Well-known member
If you can confront them, without there being any danger to you, I say ask them if they are doing it.

if you are scared or feel threatened, I would go to the cops? It may seem silly to you but it is not...it is your personal safety and you shouldn't have to be scared.

I'm sorry you are going through this.


Well-known member
Gather all threatening material, go to the police dept, advise the police of your concerns and explain that you suspect it may be the person you've had the previous altercation with. Maybe the police can contact the person and give them a stern talking to and hopefully this will be enough to cause them to stop. If the police are not willing to do this perhaps the can offer advice on what to do in this situation.

In relation to stopping the current mail order, not sure what the requirements are in the U.S but usually a statutory declaration outlining the basics sent off to the mail order company's should put a stop to it.


Well-known member
Ahh, I got so caught up looking and seeing new mail sitting there and wanting to vent on here that I forgot to add that I did contact the police because my mom was REALLY bothered by it all (I feel really bad for her too, she's in no shape to be worrying about nonsense like this and it just makes me more pissed). There's a report filed and they're aware of my suspicions, they even wanted to contact the person but I asked them not to until they did all their detective work.

Originally Posted by coachkitten
You might think about doing a free credit report to see if anyone has fradulently used your social or address. This type of behavior can sometimes show up on a credit report. Also you should contact the company that the items/mail came from and see if they can give you any insight. I think that it is a good idea for you to go to your local post office branch and talk to them about it. It really sucks that people do this type of s**t. I wish I had more insight and I hope that it works out for you.

EDIT: If you know who is doing this you should confront them if you can or go to the police. This type of behavior shouldn't be tolerated!

That's a really good idea, I never thought about doing a free credit report. Thanks

Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
If you can confront them, without there being any danger to you, I say ask them if they are doing it.

if you are scared or feel threatened, I would go to the cops? It may seem silly to you but it is not...it is your personal safety and you shouldn't have to be scared.

I'm sorry you are going through this.

Thank you
Haha it actually means quite a lot that someone would suggest going to the police and NOT think it's silly because a lot of people I know think I overreacted by going to the police. They all scoff and say nothing will happen and yea probably not but wtf people DO commit crimes and do all sorts of crazy stuff so it's not like it's a guarantee that nothing will happen.

Originally Posted by talste
Gather all threatening material, go to the police dept, advise the police of your concerns and explain that you suspect it may be the person you've had the previous altercation with. Maybe the police can contact the person and give them a stern talking to and hopefully this will be enough to cause them to stop. If the police are not willing to do this perhaps the can offer advice on what to do in this situation.

In relation to stopping the current mail order, not sure what the requirements are in the U.S but usually a statutory declaration outlining the basics sent off to the mail order company's should put a stop to it.

Thanks, if the police can't find out who's behind it, I'm going to ask what can be done. I'm going to contact the companies and do that also. I really cannot believe that it's that easy to sign up and have companies send you products without any proof of who you are and how you'll be paying for it.
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Well-known member
You could get a police officer to contact the companies and they might be able to tell who it is by the IP address used to order everything. You can get the mail stopped by going to the Post Office...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by iluffyew769769
You could get a police officer to contact the companies and they might be able to tell who it is by the IP address used to order everything. You can get the mail stopped by going to the Post Office...

Thanks, that would be nice if the police could do it, and I was wondering about tracing the IP and finding out that way. I'm sure the companies would take a police officer more seriously than a regular person calling and saying they got pranked.