has MAC ever sent you on jobs?


Well-known member
i know when you work in a big city like NY mac artists get to work fashion week, but nothing cool like that happens here. until now! i was just sent with 3 other artists to do the poster shoot for the jacksonville jaguars cheerleaders. it was a paying gig too (seperate from our regular rate). i love my job, what other makeup company sends artists to do these type things!!im on such a high right now, because it went super well, and the head coach was very pleased with our work, which is gonna make our MRO very happy! have any of you gotten sent to do jobs representing MAC?


Well-known member
Wow, that's awesome! I bet you had such a good time, I'm glad everything turned out well!

I would looooove love love to work for MAC and be able to do stuff like that. One day perhaps.

Were you able to take any pics or did they not allow it?


Well-known member
no we had no time to take pics, we had so many girls to do and then brushes to wash. they will be on the officially jaguars website though, these were also the girls' main headshot pics, in their full uniform and poms and its the official roster poster for this season. im on such a high right now!