

Well-known member
I'm not a makeup artist at all, but it doesn't surprise me that you get treated that way. A lot of MAC artists (and other artists) are verrrrrrrry beautiful, unique and intimidating. Thats why a lot of people are shy/nervous to go into MAC.I just started getting more comfortable going in there myself (I have very low self esteem most of the time).

There's a lot of jealousy that goes on towards you guys.


Well-known member
At least they're not making false complaints against you guys...right before I left, the entire store decided to team up against us & started making false complaints to try to get us in trouble....no one hides the fact that they hate us-and we have a sneaking suspicion that one of the Macy's managers started it all.


Well-known member
Insecurity & immaturity at it's finest...I wouldn't even care about it. You are so pretty....just take the high road and smile...you'll come out ahead of them in life. Been there, been through all that...it never matters in the long run dear


Well-known member
Polite them to death. Kill them with sweetness.

God that sticks in a snark's craw more than anything.


Well-known member
Thought I'd share this since I can so relate.

I'm 48 years old, I seriously look half my age! Two MAC MUA about died when I told them how old I was (made me feel good) - a size 4, natural 36D, long Victoria Secret hair, no wrinkles, beautiful long natural nails, & a hubby that loves me & treats me like a queen. But more than all the superficial, I am a very caring, selfless, considerate, giving person...and continue to live like that in spite of the jealous & rude treatment I get in return. I'm a very secure woman

I get hate from family & friends - of all ages - for all of my life!

They are the ones that are insecure with who they are - took me a long time to just accept that.


Well-known member
That's my life in a nutshell and I don't even work at Mac! The best advice I can give you is words of wisdom my mother gave me.She said to me If your only problem in life is getting talked upon smile and consider yourself lucky. I have the lowest self esteem ever and it just makes it worse when girls are mean for no reason.I know all about the looks your getting and the whispering and snickering and attitude. Just smile and be friendly start small talk give them a reason to eat there words.That's what I do.Can't say it always works though some girls are just born mean HTH


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Polite them to death. Kill them with sweetness.

God that sticks in a snark's craw more than anything.

What is a snark's craw?

Your avatars, & the things you say just crack me up - i especially loved the boinking stick figures


Well-known member
When my coutner first opened in Macy's we all experienced a lot of this. I think we just pretty much forced the Macy's employees to like us by being ourselves and talking to them. There are still a few people that seem to hate us. A girl that works at another location was shopping at our counter recently and her Mom went upstairs to look for some things. Anyway her Mom overheard a group of Macy's employees talking crap about all of us MAC girls. So the Mom complained to management and the store manager basically said that the girls were just really jealous.
Our biggest problems have actually come from a few store managers. Things seem to have gotten better lately.
Whenever someone gives me that vibe I bascially force them to talk to me. I'll keep saying hi to them and asking them how they are etc.
Don't get me wrong, we still have issues. Sush as on the Saturday before x-mas my assistant manager bought us a nice meal and left it in the break room with a big note on it saying "Thank you MAC girls for all of your hard work." and wrote MAC on the soda etc. and the Macy's people decided to eat all $50worth.... God that made me so angry.


Well-known member
I don't work for MAC.. I work for Lauder, and we still get the same shit! My friend jokingly calls us the "pretty pretty princess party" (I know he's just kidding..) But the other day I was sitting in the break room with a rather large order of fries (when I ordered a large fry, i didn't think I was getting a bucket!) and I was trying to pawn them off on all the other people in the break room with me.. and then this lady from women's walks in and she's like "Golly Kristen (that's me!) have some fries! I didn't think someone like you could eat like that!"
You know what I said to her?
If I wanted to eat this many fries, damnit who are you to tell me I can't?
I think there is just a lot of jealous people out there.. (Who knows why?) But I have found that the more people I'm upfront and friendly with the less bratty they think we are..


We KNOW we're gorgeous.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Polite them to death. Kill them with sweetness.

God that sticks in a snark's craw more than anything.

Well put - then if someone asks them what their problem is with you, they can't say it was your attitude to them etc. My cousin has heard a lot of the same thing, shes quite stunning... but shes so damn sweet that it is hard for people to explain why they dislike her, and it then appears that they are just jealous!


Well-known member
I'm sure its all just jealousy. Don't take it seriously. MAC is alot more popular than most counters or at least thats what I've noticed. You might see one or two people roaming around other counters but MAC IS WHERE THA PARTY'S AT!!! HOLLA they could be like, " Yeesh, they're stealing all our customers!"


Well-known member
we don't have any problems with other associates. they actually come to the counter and talk to us. other MAs bring their customers over for products if their line doesn't carry it. most of the MAs use our makeup themselves. same with the younger and middle-aged SAs. maybe its cause we've been there for 8 years.
sorry ya'll are having problems at your stores.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
we don't have any problems with other associates. they actually come to the counter and talk to us. other MAs bring their customers over for products if their line doesn't carry it. most of the MAs use our makeup themselves. same with the younger and middle-aged SAs. maybe its cause we've been there for 8 years.
sorry ya'll are having problems at your stores.

yeah i dont have any issues at all. i work at nordstrom and even though the cosmetic dept is like it's own island, everyone seems pretty chill. i've never seen the MAC girls & boys ( or any other counter ) get stared at or anything. most of the time other associates come over to talk & try stuff out.

hope it gets better


Well-known member
The cosmetics department in general is treated differently at our store. They get angry because we can't go help ring up customers in another department if they get busy, we don't have to fold clothing or rearrange racks of jeans...they call us snobby and bitchy and get REALLY mad if we don't give them free samples whenever they want- and we've had a problem with other associates stealing free gifts at GWP time too!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
I'm not a makeup artist at all, but it doesn't surprise me that you get treated that way. A lot of MAC artists (and other artists) are verrrrrrrry beautiful, unique and intimidating. Thats why a lot of people are shy/nervous to go into MAC.I just started getting more comfortable going in there myself (I have very low self esteem most of the time).

There's a lot of jealousy that goes on towards you guys.

ITA the MAC artists have an air about them, they're gorgeous and intimidating


Well-known member
Why do you even care? Maybe it comes with age, but I don't give a rats behind anymore what anyone thinks as long as it doesn't interfere with my agenda.


Well-known member
Girl, shake that sh*t off. Walk in the room or their department with strut and show them you are fly - I mean all MAC guys and gals are so....
That's what I do. Shoot!!! Smile at them and put them on the spot, 'Can I get some help over here please?
' There was one lady in the purse department that NEVER would wait on me, I would go to another Nordstrom to shop and when she see me with a new purse, she'd go, "Oh you didn't get that from me." I told her, "You always ignore me. So I gave the commission to someone else" and I said it with a smile and flug my hair back. LMAO!!