have you ever felt helpless?


Well-known member
I am in so much pain. I feel so hurt right now because I don't have my best friend in my life right now because she is too busy and she is the only person I can feel i can turn to with my problems. I am dealing with so much and feel like no one is there and i feel like it is too much for me to deal with. I am in a ton of pain and am in tears. Any advice?


Well-known member
I guess everyone has felt this way. First off, you gotta know that there are ups and downs, this period will pass. Try to find something to do, to keep yourself busy. Then you wont feel the lack of your friend so much. And keep in mind she still loves you, but is just busy!


Well-known member
To be honest I don't have a best friend, I have a few close friends but I often feel I can't confide in them as much as I would like.

I have found over the past few years the internet to be a great source of help. I enjoy talking with likeminded people about all sorts of things, from the trivial to the very deep. It's nice to be able to almost hide behind the computer screen, almost anonymously and ask for help and advice from other forum members. You find people often have more in common with you than you thought. We have the 'deep thoughts' section if you ever feel you have anything you'd like to talk about perhaps. I have found everyone to be very non judgemental.

In the meantime however, don't feel alone, you're never the only person who is feeling down and low. It's only temporary though like Alibi said, things will pass. My Mum always tells me 'it will look better in the morning'. Try and stay calm and work through your feelings rationally and I'm sure you'll feel better in time. Take care! Lots of hugs being send your way!


Well-known member
Keep things in perspective.

Occupy yourself, become a part of something else, volunteer, work with kids or elderly, do something that is going to make someone else feel good, because it'll make you feel good.