Hearing voices? Seeing ghosts? Blame the coffee


Well-known member
People who drink too much coffee could start seeing ghosts or hearing strange voices, UK research has suggested. [Link]

Well, I've tried, damn how I've tried. 32 espressos a day (over 3g of caffeine) and still yet to see a ghost!

The only thing vast amounts of caffeine does to me is cause an irregular heart beat (supraventricular ectopics for the cardiologically curious)


Well-known member
I've been trying to stop drinking coffee as often as I did, for that irregular heartbeat thing. It kinda freaks me out. Tea just doesn't smell the same as a great brewed cup of coffee, but I'm trying to make the switch for my health.

And OMG can I just say, you floored me when you said you've drunk 32 espressos in one day. Is that normal for you or how much do you normally drink?


Well-known member
I've cut back a lot recently but I used to drink grande quadruple shot lattes - and I'd have eight of those a day, every day. I cut back because of the amount of milk I was drinking rather than the amount of caffeine

32 shots of espresso used to be my average daily intake. There were days when I drank more than that!


Well-known member
Lol....I wouldn't drink that much coffee just cause I would be TERRIFIED if I ever saw a ghost..lol!!! But I love me some coffee!! Mmmmmmm


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caffn8me
Well, I've tried, damn how I've tried. 32 espressos a day (over 3g of caffeine) and still yet to see a ghost!

The only thing vast amounts of caffeine does to me is cause an irregular heart beat (supraventricular ectopics for the cardiologically curious)

That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.