Helium pigment is really chunky and frosty


Well-known member
REALLY chunky and frosty...I typically don't mind the other ones, but Helium really takes the cake! It's pretty on though, so I'll make it work!


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Originally Posted by prinzessin784
Would you say the texture is similar to Frost?

yes, its like rose, kitschmas, frost, steel blue...


Well-known member
before it's release, someone posted that Helium would be 'everything you ever wanted pink opal to be'.....

is this true? do you find any similarities to pink opal?


Well-known member
I pride myself on being able to work with any texture, but damn....Helium has the texture of cornflakes!

I played around a bit and what really worked is:

Kool CCB
Flighty CCB (This looked the best out of all of them, IMO)
Mixing Medium
Haunting Fluidline

What was just OK as a base:

Eye Kohls (I tried it over MAC's Ms. Petunia Eye Kohl. I imagine that Gilded would look pretty hot)
Shadesticks (I tried it over Beigeing and also Pink Couture)
Primer Potion (IMO, this worked the worst out of them all)

I didn't even try paints as I am afraid they would be too dry to give the "grab" necessary to hold my cornflakes, I mean Helium.

Overall though, I am sprung on that colour. I've said it before and I will say it again: I love ANYTHING with a red pearl to it. It makes the colour pop. Think: Helium, Glamoursun LG, Elle LG.

I tried Helium with some clear LG and that is smokin. Tip: A little goes a long way. Don't believe me?? Give it a shot and you will see what I mean.
Is it even lip safe? I never check...my bad.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by eco
before it's release, someone posted that Helium would be 'everything you ever wanted pink opal to be'.....

is this true? do you find any similarities to pink opal?

Hehehe. That was me that posted that....and one of my trainers that said it.

Now that it's on counter (and I actually have been able to use it), I feel you on the flakieness, but since it doesn't have the metallic feel of Kitchmas or Rose I have been able to make it work....it's much more pinkie than pink opal so I do really <3 it a ton.
Since we have to use it on a petri dish on counter, I tend to smash it up a bit with my brush when I pick up the color (press it against the side of the jar on your own)-so the chunks aren't as big & definitely tap off the excess...I use a 242 or 228 cause they're pretty stiff....that, or as other people have suggested, it's beautiful wet.

I'm going to press it into a pan as soon as we get gratis though. I'm not ready to give up on it yet!


Well-known member
thanks for the replies. i'm officially convinced that I *need* this, lol. I will make the chunkiness work, it never stopped me from using other chunky pigments before! I can't wait to go get this and the pandamonium quad


Well-known member
I must be a freak 'cause the chunky pigments tend to be my favorites, and the chunkiness doesn't bother me at all!


Well-known member
Try using it wet, and also if it really doesn't work as eyeshadow, try mixing it with lipgloss, it looks exactly like Moonstone.


Well-known member
I think I'm the only one who doesn't think the texture of this is bad at all!! I've been using it with my art deco e/s base and it goes on so smoothly. I adore this pigment!! I think White Gold and Rose are a LOT chunkier/harder to work with.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore

I tried Helium with some clear LG and that is smokin. Tip: A little goes a long way. Don't believe me?? Give it a shot and you will see what I mean.
Is it even lip safe? I never check...my bad.

I was just about to post that it is the hottest lipgloss ever! And yes, it is lipsafe, but vis-a-violet is not.


Well-known member
yeah, it definetly has the same affect Rose does but i really love it! i think i just like the shimmery-ness of it and definetly the duochrome-ishness [that's a huge word] of it. :]

i love it as an all over highlighter though!


Well-known member
I absolutely adore using the baby skunk brush (188?) to apply this to my upper cheeks as a highlighter,.. I adore it,.. And I have had some pretty good success patting it into a shadestick base. This works pretty good with a firmer brush like the 242.


Well-known member
I bought this and tried it with paint, ccb, and shadestick so far...... i like the ccb and paint the best.

however, I took Holly's advice and tried it with fix + over my ccb today and it is amaaaaaazing!

I really love this color, it's worth working with the chunkiness!


well, we brits have to wait for Helium til next month (although I've got one being shipped over from a US friend woo hoo!)

I love all the chunky ones, particularly the likes of kitschmas and rose and find that if I pick up a tiny bit of pigment on my brush tip, then swirl it around the lid of the jar, it sort of works its way into the bristles, and means there is no dropping glittery residue on the face, and the chunkiness of the pigment is negated....

worth a try???

soooo can't wait to get my hands on Helium though!