Hello everybody :D


Well-known member
I've been reading the forum for a long long time and it was about time that I decided to actually interact haha! So here I am!

My name is Cristina, 28, Spanish but living in UK at the moment and a huge fan of Mac, NYX, Kiko, Deliplus & Essence especially. I also adore Bourjois and Urban Decay... And many many others haha! Quite a mixture here, huh? :) I love trying different things and I usually don't care about brands... But we all have our favorites :)

I don't really wear makeup, truth be told, but I enjoy buying it and trying it, and I like having a huge variety of things in case I want to wear it haha! But I am TOTALLY addicted to Mascara and I never go out without it, I feel naked otherwise haha! My favorite mascara is Essence No Limits, but I also adore L'oreal Million Lashes :)

Anyway, I'm going to stop writing right here right now because otherwise I'll never stop :D Nice to meet you all, and see you around!


Soul Unique

Well-known member

Glad you finally decided to join in on the fun.

I totally can relate to you, the last several months I haven't really worn much makeup as I used to before. However, believe i'm still loving buying and trying all the new makeup coming out every 2 minutes :haha:

Enjoy the forums!!!


Well-known member
Thank you both :D

Yesterday I've spent 25£ in makeup that I'm probably not going to wear, but it's fun haha! As usual. I don't think I'm the only one saying that buying makeup makes me happy ;D ... And this forum is guilty in many many ways haha! :)


Well-known member
Welcome! I can't imagine not wanting to dig into my collection, but even when I'm having sort of anti-makeup days, I still never ever get bored of BUYING makeup.


Well-known member
Thank you all :D

I wish I had more time to be around here these days, but work is killing me... Anyway, Friday will be a "buying make-up" day :D