Hello from Cali!!


Active member
Newbie here...and im soooo glad i found this site!! its so helpful! especially now that im applying to Sephora!! Although i do have a question....ive read a bunch of posts that ask how you should dress and wear your makeup for the interview, and those were very helpful, but my question for those who have or work there is...how does Sephora feel about visible tattoos? i have one on my inner wrist and one behind my ear, but im afraid that they wont hire me because of that, so should i cover it up? I REALLY want to work there, so please help!!

Thanks in advance!!


Well-known member


Well-known member
I have a tattoo on my bicep and one on the outer part of my wrist...and they couldn't care less...so YAY! (lancome on the other hand.....lol)BUT all managers are different so just cover up the one on your wrist with a bracelet or something JUST IN CASE the person hiring you is biased! oh and of course WELCOME....really hope you get the job, you'll LOVE it....


Active member
Originally Posted by aleksis210
I have a tattoo on my bicep and one on the outer part of my wrist...and they couldn't care less...so YAY! (lancome on the other hand.....lol)BUT all managers are different so just cover up the one on your wrist with a bracelet or something JUST IN CASE the person hiring you is biased! oh and of course WELCOME....really hope you get the job, you'll LOVE it....

Thanks!! maybe ill wear a long sleeve shirt even though its a bit hot out, but ANYTHING to get this position! lol now im just worried about my qualifications since ive been out of the business for about three years and trying to get back into it haha...thanks again!


Active member
Ok..so i just got back from the group interview at Sephora...i didnt end up covering my tat, but i wasnt flashing it around either lol the interview itself went pretty well, it was only 5 girls in total, and i was not as nerve racking(sp?) as i thought it would be...i think i would have been more nervous if it would have been a one on one hahaha.....anywho, the assistant director was talking to me and said she wants me to go back in later today to talk to the store director!! eek! so im hoping that means i have a good chance of getting hired!!yay!!!!

anyway, just thought i'd share to you lovely ladies!!

ill let you know how it goes....