Hello! I'm new !



I'm Rose and I happened to come across this website while googling MAC lipstick color names. I've been a long time lurker, but decided that all of you seemed friendly and decided to join. I'm nineteen, and until a couple of months ago, I associated all makeup with the cakey foundation and bright red lips my dance teacher insisted on at every recital. Then, I noticed how wonderfully different and polished my college roommate looked when she applied makeup and was hooked ever since.

I'm quite excited to read all of your wonderful opinions and suggestions!!

Soul Unique

Well-known member
Don't be a stranger, get posting and enjoy the forums!!!

Lol @ Cakey Foundation and Red Lips, sounds just like the Principal at my old Dance School too.


Well-known member
Welcome!! Glad to have you posting.

It's amazing how much fun and addictive makeup can be when it's the right kind of stuff, lol.


Well-known member
Welcome.....don't say we didn't warn you bout how addictive this place is....consider yourself warned LOL Enjoy!