Help! Dried out shadestick


I now know why my shadestick tugs on my eyelids so hard.. it's dry!!
I didn't realize it clicks twice as i only own one.. what can i do to fix it??


Well-known member
Expose all of the dry parts and either spray them with Fix +. If you don't have Fix + mix 3 parts water with 1 part glycerin (available at the drugstore) and get the shadestick wet, but not sopping. Then wrap the shadestick loosely with plastic to retain the moisture, and leave it for a day or so. This is the only thing that I can think of that could fix it; I hope it works; good luck!


Well-known member
sadly shadestick are very dry anyway so i find they tug my lids quite often. if what the above posters says doesn't work you could always rub your finger on the end of it to melt it a little and then pat on the colour with your finger. not the best thing to do but at leats it won't tug on your lids


Active member
my shadestick is also rather dry but i think that's natural. it really does tug on my eyelids and application is sooo uneven however it works very well when i try it on my hands.
try using a primer or paintpot before applying the shadestick!


Well-known member
you can also use a brush, just use the brush to pick up some product from the shadestick.
why did they ever get rid of the colored paints