Help! Recs for filling the rest of my (2) 15 palettes :)


Well-known member
I need help filling in the rest of my palettes! My neutral/highlight palette contains the following:
1. Llama
2. Shroom
3. Nylon
4. Jest
5. Naked Lunch
6. White Wheat
7. Orb
8. Phloof!
9. Dazzlelight
10. Crystal Avalanche
11. Vellum
12. Vapour
13. ?
14. ?
15. ?

Can anyone recommend eyeshadows that are good for highlighting? No lustres please, and I don't like Retrospeck e/s

And lastly, my Red/Orange/Yellow/Gold palette. Here's what I have so far:
1. Cranberry
2. Amberlights
3. Coppering
4. Gorgeous Gold
5. Goldmine
6. Expensive Pink
7. Falling Star
8. Rule
9. ?
10. ?
11. ?
12. ?
13. ?
14. ?
15. ?

No lustres please! Thank you for your input!! *hugs*


Well-known member
For the neutral palette I would go for
* Ricepaper
* Vanilla
* Gleam

For the Red/Orange/Yellow Gold palette I would go for:
* Paradisco
* Girlie
* Mink Pink
* All That Glitters
* Sushi Flower
* Swish
* Mythology (I know it's a Lustre but give it a shot!)


Well-known member

Orange (available online if not at your counter)
Chrome Yellow (Same deal as with Orange)
Canary Yellow (Only at Pro Stores)


Well-known member
I'd probably round it out with...

- Brule
- Malt
- Bisque

- Star Violet
- All That Glitters
- Da Bling!
- Juiced
- Girlie
- Bronze
- Haux