Help with depotting old CARGO duo e/s?


Well-known member
Hope I'm posting in the right place now ... I just got a replacement for my CARGO Kentucky duo e/s, which I not so successfully depotted once, and am trying to do a better job at it this time.
I managed to bake the actual pans out of the tin alright, but (!), the two 'half' pans have been glued into a fully rounded one. I tried baking, putting them in the freezer, the floss method ... nothing seems to budge no matter what I do - and I refuse to force it even the slightest, like last time, as it crumbled very easily.

Pic (not mine) here, if anyone doesn't know what it looks like:

Does anyone have any tip? Anyone has done it successfully? Could I bake it for ... a longer time/higher temp to make sure the glue lets go or would that be risky?

Big thanks in advance!


Specktra Bestie
I don’t know much about depotting Cargo eyeshadows, so I moved this to Cosmetic Discussion. I hope someone comes along soon who can help you.