help with re bleaching dyed hair


New member
Anyone have any tips for re bleachng blue dyed hair. Can we bleach over colored hair?

I used Good Dye Young Lightening Kit on daughters hair. She has naturally dark brown hair almost black. Then we used Good Dye Young Semi-Permanent Hair Color in Sky High which is a kind of pastel blue/light blue. Color did not turn out as light as she wanted. It has now been over 3 weeks and she wants to try again. Can I just re bleach and color it or must I do something different now that it has been colored? Do I need to tone it?

She has has oily hair and uses Neutrogena anti residue shampoo and loreal clarifying. Will these affect her hair color after? Is there a good shampoo for oily colored hair?

Thanks for any help.


Staff member
In the before times I would be telling you to get her an appointment with a colourist at a salon. If salons are open where you live, and you're comfortable doing this, I'd still suggest that. A professional will be able to get her where she wants to be with the least amount of damage possible.

How often does she wash her hair? Frequent washing isn't great for oily hair (as counterintuitive as it sounds).

I couldn't find the L'Oréal shampoo you mentioned but did find the Neutrogena one. The second ingredient in it is sodium laureth sulfate. While it is safe to use, it (along with other sulfates) can be stripping on the scalp, which can cause overproduction of oil. I'd encourage her to go sulfate-free. She may find her scalp will produce less oil as time goes on that way, and it will also be nicer to her colour-treated hair.


New member
In the before times I would be telling you to get her an appointment with a colourist at a salon. If salons are open where you live, and you're comfortable doing this, I'd still suggest that. A professional will be able to get her where she wants to be with the least amount of damage possible.

How often does she wash her hair? Frequent washing isn't great for oily hair (as counterintuitive as it sounds).

I couldn't find the L'Oréal shampoo you mentioned but did find the Neutrogena one. The second ingredient in it is sodium laureth sulfate. While it is safe to use, it (along with other sulfates) can be stripping on the scalp, which can cause overproduction of oil. I'd encourage her to go sulfate-free. She may find her scalp will produce less oil as time goes on that way, and it will also be nicer to her colour-treated hair.

Not looking to go to a colorist even if open. We have dyed her ends at home before but with a darker blue and that turned out just how she wanted. This time she wanted to dye the inside bottom half of her hair if that makes sense. Since it was a much lighter pastel blue and we obviously didn't bleach light enough it didn't turn out as light as she wanted but it looks ok.

If not easy or really recommended to lighten and re dye at home again she will just leave as is. or she will just dye a darker blue and wait until it all grows out and she cuts it to try again. I was recommended to try a bleach bath but I do not want to do anything that will make it worse.

As far as washing she does limit the amount of times she washes her hair and we are working on finding products that will help her be less oily with or without colored hair. Given that she does sports it can be hard to not wash hair often but she does limit conditioner use which helps. I will look for a sulfate free shampoo.

Thanks for the help. I know so much more about make up and how to style hair but not much about bleaching but we try.