Hey Gorgeous People!


Active member

New on this forum, I thought I'd ask about where to find good, solid info on certificate programs for stage/special effects/glam/etc in Massachusetts. Emerson college doesn't seem to have a cert. program like that (?!) and I need some creds to eventually switch careers! NYC is just 4 hrs away, so I guess I could always do weekend workshop seminars there, but Boston has got to have something? Any links or whatever would help so much. Also I'm wondering whether certification is important upon entering the industry. A career change would do me good.
TIA, awesomes!


Well-known member
Try reading the sticky "Seminars and Lessons, a Quick Guide", there's some really helpful info in there.

As far as whether certification is important for entering the industry, well, it really depends on your situation — What exact work are you hoping to do? What are, if any, the licensing regulations in your home state?

For example, there is not a makeup artist licensing process in Hawaii, so there are no certification requirements for me to practice as a MUA. However, unions (like the IATSE), some companies that could potentially hire you, and other professional programs have special requirements (that could include some form of certification and/or licensing).

So do some research on your desired work and location, and you should be able to figure out what's required of you with ease.[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

It's also worth noting that any sort of traning can never hurt!
