
Hey everyone :)

So I'm new here (to state the obvious!) and thought I'd make my first post & ask a question, but first a little bit of background.

UD is my alltimefavouritebrandever, not only is it awesome, it's cruelty free too :D I live in England & am in my late twenties boo :(

I've been in & out of makeup a few times in my life, and started to get back into it for the past 6 months or so, and with a good UD splurge on payday I'm now back "properly".

With me back to being madeup every day, the problem I'm beginning to find for myself is re-touching. Needs must & I do need to do it, but I'm not sure what I should carry around with me & leave at home. I know it's probably obvious to everyone else, but for my whole life my mom's only been worried about wearing lipstick (I can count on one hand the number of times she's worn blusher in my lifetime), and my sister got duped into using loads of Clinique for years & years, then stopped & has barely worn makeup since.

So what I wear daily is: primer potion, concealer, foundation, blusher, mattifying powder - in the past I've "gotten away" with just mattifying powder, and I've only recently re-stocked my primer, but I've been noticing a bit of foundation loss of my nose pre-primer so I'm thinking perhaps foundation for a "proper" touch up & mattifying powder as & when?

Any & all help/comments/opinions welcome :)

glammy girl

Well-known member
Welcome to Specktra :) Hope you enjoy the site! What I carry along for touch ups during the day is blotting sheets (Palladio), a Translucent powder and whatever lipstick or gloss I'm wearing that day :) HTH...
Welcome to Specktra
Hope you enjoy the site! What I carry along for touch ups during the day is blotting sheets (Palladio), a Translucent powder and whatever lipstick or gloss I'm wearing that day
Brill, thank you


Staff member
Blotting sheets = very thin sheets of paper you can use to blot your face during the day as you need it. Mattifying powder = pressed powder with ingredients to mattify your skin.