

Well-known member
Hey everyone!

I'm a long time lurker, but decided to actually make an account and start posting. I started following Specktra when the MAC Mickey Contractor Collection came out (December 2010 ish) because this was the only place I could find info about it! All the lovely ladies here talking about what they bought and how much they liked it made me purchase my own haul (the most makeup I've ever bought at one time! and all without seeing it/testing it out first!), and I've fallen in love with some of the items. There hasn't been another MAC collection that excited me like that one yet, but I'm sure there will be in the future!

I'm NC45ish, a nail polish addict, and am on a crusade to find the perfect black liquid eyeliner. How does that sound for an introduction? :p Can't wait to meet everyone!


Well-known member
to specktra! and my favourite black liquid liner is actually the l'oreal carbon one! easy application because it's a sponge tip, lasts ages and is cheap! winner!


Well-known member
oo, I'll definitely have to try out that one! My current fav is Prestige liquid liner - which also has a sponge tip! - and isn't very expensive.