How are your storing your make up over this heat wave?


Well-known member
Holy crap!!! 47? omg.... yes we are all on warning for tomorrow - my hubby coaches the local kids cricket team and the cricket board has been arguing over whether to cancel tomorrows matches altogether....


Well-known member
yeah, it's probably a good thing that my work fishing trip this weekend was cancelled due to weather... I think we would all be burnt to a crisp being out on a boat in 41 degree weather!


Well-known member
My partner and I are frantically looking up where to buy an airconditioner tomorrow morning! We live in a fairly cool apartment but we only have an electric fan :S I don't reeeeeeeeally want to buy one though because we are trying to buy an apartment @_@

Weather reports are scary. Keep cool ladies!


Well-known member
Mine seemed to survive in my room, though my room is generally like a sauna. I mostly own powder products though.