How can I have a nice look without using blush or bronzer?


Active member
I'm completely terrified to use anything other than my current foundation, concealer and powder on my skin because my skin is going crazy. What can I do to have a nice overall look? I look so plain without it and just feel blah.


Well-known member
honestly there is no way you can avoid looking plain without blush or bronzer..when you apply foundation,powder and concealer your basically creating a blank even base color all over your face, hence hiding the natural colors of your skin.. and in order to bring it back to life you have to put some type of blush, bronzer etc. if not you'll just look pale and corpse like..sorry


Well-known member
This will only help a little bit, but you may want to find a darker shade of your current powder and use that to contour a little and lightly use it as a bronzer. It'll just give your face a little bit more dimension than just foundation alone.