How Long Do They Stay in Stock?


Well-known member
I know this is a really stupid question, but I was wondering if there was the chance that Antiquitease Metallic pallete was not all sold out (in store) would they still have it in stock? And I mean like at Mac stores or the Bay.

I remember the counter I went to still had Heatherette duel eye pencils last month...

Was the Antiquitease popular back then because I really want this pallete.

I'm going to go to the mall and check it out but I'm kind of embrassed if I ask them lol...


Edit: I went there today and both MAs said that they were sold out fast
But neverless I'll wait till they have another totally awesome pallette!


Well-known member
I would imagine that unsold stock would not be kept and would be sent back to a depo somewhere. Although there is no harm in asking at your local counter/store. The worst they're going to say is 'no sorry' and you never know they might have one, even if it is unlikely.

I do know however the palette is at many CCOs at the moment, I think I've seen it at the one near me. Maybe there is one near to you that you could check out.


Well-known member
I got mine at a CCO in April so I would imagine it's not in stores. Never hurts to ask though


Well-known member
I doubt the stores still have it because it was probably RTV'd (returned to vendor) at which point it was probably sent to CCOs.